Monday, March 19, 2012

Cloth Diaper

I started to 'cd'ing hadi in early march. At that time, he just completed his antibiotic, so he had mild diarrhea which leads to serious diaper rash (I considered this diaper rash as serious because hadi never had (alhamdulillah) diaper rash before - thanks to sudo cream which usually work wonders). Throughout the weekend, I committed to fully cd ing him and the rash improved. However, during weekdays, it worsens since I did not cding him at the nursery. It leads to series of nightmares and phobia. Yes, we can see that hadi is terrified and would scream his lungs out whenever he needed to pee while holding it in. 

Due to this, I decided that it was time to start using a more natural way of diapering, which is cloth diaper. Thankfully, I already fall in love with all the cute designs of cd before this episode begun, searched for its info (thanks to MCDP page) and buy some stash. However, some of the issues related to CD arised in my head like:

  • is it hard to wash the cd
-          Well I started using cd during the diarrhea series. Each time that I have to change the cd, there’s always a present for me (I do meant each time, 6-10 times a day) but I survived it. It was not that hard to wash and can easily be done (with the help of washing machine). Nowadays, with only one present per day, it was a blessing.

  • is the nursery CD friendly
-     Well, I only started cd ing hadi at the nursery today so will get their feedback this afternoon. Hopefully, it’s good feedbacks. I’ve try to minimized their burden by asking them not to wash the cd. They just put it in the wetbag and try to treat it as much as the dispo diaper as possible but just dont throw them out.
  •   Cost
–    mmm I cannot denied that we will have to put some investment before using cd but now there are a lot of affordable cd in the market (I got a piece of cd which only cost me RM 13 – during group buy at fb). Therefore, the cost is not a major factor but its more towards your nafsu untuk menahan godaan all the cute prints available at the higher cost. :P

I cannot say much at the moment since I’m still new in cd world but it’s a friction of my efforts to go green. It safe in both terms, natural-wise and pocket-wise (long-term) and it’s easy to use. So why shouldn’t I give it a try. Wish me luck k…:) 


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